new wave | Musicosity

new wave


There are at least four artist that go by this name. 1. Russian indie-disko-punk group from Moscow with singer russian actress Natasha Simakova. 2. Siberia is an ambient rock duo from Louisville, Kentucky that has been active since 1985. Syd Bishop and Mike Seymour rose to prominence as part of the ambient rock revival with their successful albums My Favorite Ape and Khan. Siberia play lo-fi music stressing a simplicity of composition and arrangement, mostly inspired by punk rock, blues rock, folk rock, rap rock, and country music.

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The Floor

There are three bands by the name of the Floor. One is a band based in Dundee, Scotland. Another is from Edmonton, Alberta foursome The Floor released a series of LP's and EP's culminating with Personnel, an extension of the band's flirtation with noise rock like Ride and the dance rock of Interpol and bands of that ilk. The band are on again off again, although they are opening for Trans Am in a few weeks, indicating the shoegazers are indeed on again. Floor is a sludge metal band from florida on no idea records and now has members in Torche

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Formed in the summer of 2008, London based DEADWAX came together after one long night and a few too many drinks. Comprised of Richard Power(vocals), Dave Robinson (guitar), James Richards (bass) and Tom Edwards(drums), DEADWAX have a sound that mixes influences old and new. From The Beatles to Oasis, The Stones to Supergrass. With a sound built on melody and groove DEADWAX are already generating major label interest with their electric live shows and instantly memorable tunes.

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There is more than one artist with this name. 1. Badge was a Newcastle NWOBHM band formed in 1980. The only known release from the band was the well regarded Silver Woman single released in 1981
Tony Dixon - Guitar
Stuart McLean - Guitar
Mike Cooper - Bass
Rob Zipfel - Drums
Graham Waudby - Vocals
For more info on the band (including album reviews) visit: 2. An American Indie band formed in 2009

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Garland Jeffreys

Garland Jeffreys (born 1943 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American singer, songwriter and guitarist. His music is a mix of rock 'n' roll, reggae, blues, soul and even hip-hop. He began his career performing solo in Manhattan clubs in 1966 after attending college at Syracuse University as an art major, where he became friends with Lou Reed (future co-founder of The Velvet Underground). He spent some time in Italy studying art before coming back to Manhattan to further his education at New York's Institute of Fine Arts while working with several New York bands.

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Spock's Beard

Spock's Beard is a band formed in 1992 in Los Angeles by brothers Neal and Alan Morse. Neal (keyboards/vocals) and Alan (guitars) were joined by fellow musicians Nick D'Virgilio (Nick D'Virgilio, drums - also known as NDV) and Dave Meros (bass), and were later joined by veteran keyboardist Ryo Okumoto. Spock's Beard play a brand of progressive rock with pop music leanings, drawing much influence from Genesis and The Beatles. They are also well known for their intricate multi-part vocal harmonies and use of counterpoint much in the vein of Gentle Giant.

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There exist five acts with this name: 1. A side project of Lycia members Mike Vanportfleet and fellow member David Galas
2. An atmospheric/ambient/raw dark/black metal with vocals reminiscent of early Burzum.
3. A Finnish rock band
4. A death.blues London, UK band
5. A techno act from sweden. -----
1) In the midst of an incredibly prolific time for the band Lycia during the mid-'90s, bandleader Mike Vanportfleet and fellow member David Galas found time to create a side project...

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