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death metal


There are two artists with the name Sutekh.
1. The electronic DJ Sutekh,
2. The metal band Sutekh from the Netherlands. 1. Since 1997, Sutekh, alias Seth Joshua Horvitz, has released consistently inconsistent electronic music on local and international labels Force Inc./Mille Plateaux, Source, Background, Plug Research, Cytrax/Delay, Tektite, and his own Context. Manipulating computers, samplers, synthesizers, ping pong tables, and found sounds, he has created everything from minimal house and techno to dense, dissonant noise collage.

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Cupola is established in September 2005, as a result of a hard drinking night, along with not even lighter drunk vows for a common future musical actions. When the day of reckoning has come, i.e. for accomplishing the promised things, about 8 guys respond the call, as eventually the very original staff is clarified: Misho (guitars, vocals), Pazzo (guitars, vocals), Geleto (drums, vocals), and Asparuh (bass) - who subsequently passed the bass to Ficho, as both they took part in only few repetitions.

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There are twelve different artists under this name: 1. Catharsis was an band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, releasing their albums through the CrimethInc. collective. Their singer, Brian, was editor of the political fanzine Inside Front and later went on with other ex-members of Catharsis to form the band Requiem. 2. Catharsis was a French band who released albums during the 1970's. Their first album, "Masq" (1971), was a mixture of formless chanting, hypnotic melodies, prominent percussion, Arabic styles, and experimental songcraft.

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Cinders Fall

Cinders Fall new EP out Fall of 2008! Formed by guitarist James Bartram and vocalist Anthony Masters, Cinders Fall is a six-piece melodic death metal outfit originating from south-east Essex, England. Completed by members Ben Sullivan (guitars), Laurence Al-Shaar (drums) and Colin Eatherton (keys), Cinders Fall take a lot of their influence from the Gothenburg metal scene whilst also throwing in elements of thrash and melodic metal.

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There are at least 6 bands with the name "Wake"*. *If you listen to the British post-punk band, the Finnish melodic death metal band, or the US goth rock band, the correct tag is The Wake. Please fix your tags. 1. WAKE is a Canadian grindcore band from Calgary, Alberta. or Started in 2009 and have released a self titled 7'' , a split 7'' with Dephosphorus and Full length on 7 Degrees Records.

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FRANKENBOK 2012 Hailing from Melbourne Australia, Frankenbok was born kicking and screaming in 1997. Now with 4 albums and 2 EP’s under their belt, their most recent release, deftly titled “THE END OF ALL YOU KNOW”, is by far the bands heaviest work to date. Musically it is a real blend of heavy metal styles, ranging from thrash, to punk to southern rock riffage and straight up heavy metal, all with a very Australian flavour and distinctive sound that the band have crafted over a 15 year existence.

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Decapitated is a technical death metal band from Poland. They formed in 1996 in Krosno in southern Poland, when all the members were still attending music school. They released their first demo Cemeterial Gardens in 1997 and their second demo, The Eye of Horus in 1998. After these releases, the band was considered as genuine contenders of the underground metal community, and eventually signed with Wicked World/Earache Records for the release of the debut album, Winds of Creation.

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Cattle Decapitation is an American grindcore/death metal band from San Diego, California, United States, formed in 1996. Over the span of a decade, the band has forged its not-so-humble beginnings in gore-grind into one of extreme metal's most relentless forces, encompassing a sound as schizophrenic as their record collections but with a determined lyrical stance resolutely damning the ills of humanity.

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Natron is a Technical Death Metal band from Italy. If you're talking about Death Metal and searching for a band to doubtless act for Italy, you can't do without referring to Natron as the most influential Italian band of the last 15 years. Thanks to their remarkable presence in the scene with relentless touring and through their records Natron always mantained high quality standards and mainly managed to come up with an exceptional blend made of early 90's Death Metal psychotic riffs and unearthly horror moods built on refined and ultra-powerful grinding rhythmic grounds...

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Martin Grech

Martin Grech (pronounced ‘Greck’) is a Maltese-English singer, songwriter and musician from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, born in 1983. He is known for his dark and powerful music, remarkable voice, and frequent subversion of style and genre. He first achieved serious critical acclaim after his haunting falsetto track Open Heart Zoo (written when he was 19 years old) was featured on a Lexus car advert on UK television in 2002.

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