Progressive metal | Musicosity

Progressive metal


There are 20 (and counting) acts named Nexus. 1. neXus was an electronica/dance artist located in Columbus, GA. Featuring hard hitting dance tracks, stunning progressive techno beats, and other interesting variations on the electronica genre. Using beats that normally would not fit, neXus finds a way to make them attractive and strangely alluring. neXus released his album at the end of 2010 successfully. Shortly thereafter, neXus's time on this earth came to a sudden somber end. neXus continues to live on through his works of art.

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Nevermore is an American progressive metal band from Seattle, Washington. Their precise musical style is debated by fans and critics alike. The band incorporates elements from styles such as Doom, Thrash, Power, and progressive metal into their songs, and also makes use of acoustic guitars and a wide range of vocal styles. They started in the beginning of the 1990s, when the band Sanctuary was pressured by its recording label to change its musical style, switching from heavy metal to grunge, which was obtaining mainstream success at the time due to bands such as Nirvana and Pearl Jam.

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Oh, Sleeper

Oh, Sleeper is a band from Fort Worth, Texas signed to Solid State Records. Oh, Sleeper formed in April of 2006 after former members of short-lived rock band Terminal got together with former Between the Buried and Me guitarist Shane Blay. Eventually they found a vocalist in Micah Kinard and began practicing. As the 4 members began sledging through all the normal problems of a band start-up (no place to practice, no money and different schedules) the biggest obstacle was finding the last and final member.

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Malrun is a danish metal/rock-band that musically navigates in a cross-breed of hard-hitting metal, groovy riffs and melodic rock with a remarkably fresh and modern edge. The music thus targets both the broad mainstream audience as well as the metal environment. Malrun will release their second album "The Empty Frame" 5th March 2012 and support the release with a extensive tour as support for Die Apokalyptischen Reiter from 21st April to 13th May 2012 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, England, Spain and Italy.

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There are 2 groups with the name “Boil” 1. Danish Metal Band (2004 - present)
2. Indie Rock solo project of Connor Boyle, Chicago musician formally of AKA Foxy (2011 - present)
Based in Aarhus, Denmark, the progrock band BOIL plays an ambitious style of progressive rock and metal that balances on the delicate edge of melodic catchiness, intricacy and complexity. With the 5 members drawing from widely different influences, the unique mixture contains elements of both polyrhythmic modern metal, electronica, grunge and classic rock.

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When Prophecy Fails

When Prophecy Fails are a 4 piece island based band. We strive to create music which is powerful and thought provoking, priding ourselves on having both a versatile mindset and strong determination for a high standard of songwriting. This results in a high-energy live performance which is sharp and well rehearsed. Their music spans a number of genres. They thrive in the knowledge that they're free to create anything they want without fear of stigmatism or trend.

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* Nume adevarat: Octavian Teodorescu
* Pseudonim artistic:Octave S-a nascut la 29 ianuarie 1963, in Bucuresti. Inca din copilarie ii placeau toate tipurile de instrumente si muzica in general. Desi parintii sai observasera acest lucru, nu l-au orientat in acest sens. La varsta de 16 ani a vazut primul concert rock din viata sa: Suzi Quatro 1979 live in Bucuresti. Impactul a fost foarte puternic. Genul acesta de manifestare artistica, Rock, ii va marca adolescentului de atunci devenirea artistica ulteriora.

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There are two bands that go under the name of Deadweight: 1. Deadweight (UK) A brutal technical death metal 5 piece from Birmingham, England. Were signed to indie label 'Feto Record'. Their debut album 'Origins of Darkness' is in shops now. Expect shredding, pummelling, pulverising, miss shaped noises in your ears. The band split in early 2009. 2. Deadweight (US) is an alternative rock trio from San Francisco, California. Playing the violin and cello through a variety of guitar effects, their studio recorded material is surprisingly hard rock.

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Fusionmetal - A relatively new and unexplored genre in the world of metal. Exivious isn't an over the top math metal band and certainly isn't a loungy jazz combo either. But expect everything in between! With a jazzfusion backbone Exivious uses freaky metal riffs to decorate their organic eruption of free improvisations and complex rhythms. Guitarist Tymon comments: "We finally managed to transform a vision I had a long time ago into 9 intense and fiery songs. There's an immense amount of information in there that will definitely take more than one spin in your CD player to comprehend!"

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