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Emperor X

Emperor X is a pop/noise/folk music project headed by American musician C. R. Matheny. The project often performs and records with little more than Matheny on an acoustic guitar and a dynamic microphone, but sometimes also employs large groups of musicians on percussion instruments, various electronic noisemakers, brass/woodwind/string ensembles, and traditional rock instruments. The lyrics of Emperor X songs have been described as simultaneously "hallucinatory" and "precise," and discuss subjects ranging from plate tectonics ("A Violent Translation of the Concordia Headscarp")...

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The electrilickers

Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham
Influenced by
sweets, the rapture, and everyday happenings The Electrilickers. Musically...well just check out Nous Sommes Allees a la Discoteque. 80's gold! I like ladies who sing in French and Miss Electrilicker got the balance between funky and aloof just right on this track. Think of them as the electropop Blood Red Shoes (yes...I enjoyed them that much) and you won't be too far off. In fact 'Sh sh sh shake' has a distinctly BRS vibe to it. I like mucho.: By The Hearing Aid

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Art of Wor

After 7 years as a monk, Fergus returned to his first love: METAL.
He promptly threw himself into writing, and within 2 months had an album’s worth of material, recruited band members Andrew Thomas (bass) and Dave Nygaard (drums) and later Tim Davies (guitar) signed a recording and management agreement with PLW. Art of Wor delivers a uniquely brutal yet melodic sound.
Currently just released Blood will have Blood on iTunes -

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Crow Mother

Formed in March 2012 band is still young that can’t be said about its members who have been musicians and friends through numerous different bands for long time before joining their forces and inspiration under the name of Crow Mother. Shortly after forming in 2012 band kicked off with recording their first two singles called Killing the Love and Sugar, Blood & Wine. First two records were more like experiment for band to find its own sound that became more individual in their next two singles – Winterland and Smile Like You Care.

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New Politics

New Politics: David and Soren had been writing songs together for over three years (for respective solo albums that have yet to see the light of day) when they realized that they had unintentionally started a band. The pair had experimented with every imaginable style of music (every imaginable style) and suddenly recognized that the combination of their musical sensibilities, as witnessed on the 300 songs theyd penned together, created something new and interesting.

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Takka Takka

Takka Takka is a foursome indie rock band from Brooklyn and Queens. Singer-guitarist-keyboardist Gabe Levine says their name comes from "writing songs about war, and it's a painting about war, with machine guns going, 'TAKKA TAKKA.'" Other band members are Conrad Doucette, Damion Jurrens, and JP Jones. They cite their influences as: the Kinks, Orange Juice (sometimes Orange Julius), Pavement, Lou Reed, Zombies, Johnny Cash, Echo and the Bunnymen, the Magnetic Fields, Brian Eno, REM, Bob Dylan, and OMD.

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