space rock | Musicosity

space rock

Steve Hillage

Hillage started out as a prog rocker, always leaning towards the more whimsical/mystical side of things in his work with Gong (1973-1975). On going solo, he continued in a similar vein, fusing melodic elements with ambient soundscapes on albums such as "Green", "L", "Fish Rising" and most notably "Rainbow Dome Musick". One of the first to popularise electronic ambient sounds, his work was rediscovered by later electronic dance acts, giving Hillage a new lease of life as a performer/DJ in the 1990s following a successful stint as producer.

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There are several artists who use the name Molasses: a.) a musical collective from Montreal, Quebec (see picture) b.) a pop band from San Francisco, California c.) a noise-rock band from London, UK a.)
The Canadian post-rock band is a collective of up to sixteen musicians built around songwriter Scott Chernoff. Members are involved with other ventures such as Fly Pan Am, the Boxhead Ensemble, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, the Shalabi Effect, and Codeine. They play , a genre fusing traditional North American folk aesthetics with the free ethos of musique actuelle.

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Since the dawn of the first galaxies the voice of MORKOBOT resounded solemn over the saturated atmospheres of the planets in evolution. Dominator of the magnetic strengths and ancestral regulator of the conscience flows, Morkobot has returned to the Earth through his three messengers LIN,LAN,LEN brutally subdued to his will. On our planet MORKOBOT manifests himself through sonic experimentations that humans call music. Morkobot pervades the darkened minds of LIN,LAN,LEN conducting their notes in sadistic consequential deliriums. come to feed you with the supreme verb! LIN, LAN, LEN.

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UnKindness Of Ravens

UnKindness Of Ravens (UKOR) calls themselves "the grand exposition of musical scribble." It is a group that experiments with new sound, improvisation, and the creative exposition of emotion not present in many experimental groups. UKOR's music delves into the avant garde by way of flirting with influences from the space rock, jazz, blues, gothic, entheogenic, and world scenes. UnKindness Of Ravens (UKOR) was formed in 1991 as an experiment with unconventional sound construction.

Read more about UnKindness Of Ravens on

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The Magic Lantern

the Magic Lantern is a swedish band. They live in Umeå a small town in the north of sweden. The Magic Lantern play psychedelic music, influenced by postrock and 70´s kraut and spacerock. Most of the tracks are created live in the rehearselroom, with the tape rollin´. Then the best parts is reworked and made some more adds on. They have two cd-r records out and this autumn (2006) there will be a cdep out on burnt toast vinyl/do you dream of noise ?

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Jessica Bailiff

Jessica Bailiff is an American singer-songwriter from Toledo, Ohio. Her music is largely classified as , although it contains elements of . It is essentially a droning, experimental style of music which coalesces textured, blurry and surreal sounds with immersed vocals. her most recent release is a 4-track ep, recorded with Annelies Monseré. This was released as the cd 'untitled ep' by 'Jessica Bailiff & Annelies Monseré'

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Mugstar are the sound of 10,000 suns exploding, pulsing and repetitive beauty, sounding like a sonic mantra. Mugstar set sail for the sun in 2002 and have completed numerous voyagers with the likes of Mogwai, Melt Banana, Onieda, Acid Mothers Temple and Part Chimp. The band recorded one of the last PEEL SESSIONS for the late great John Peel and are loved by Huw Stephens. Mugstar have released four 7" singles with the last one being voted number 43 on BBC Radio 1 Festive 50, 2005.

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