russian | Musicosity



There are at least 6 bands/artists with this name: A Russian Black Metal band; a rapper from Georgia, US; a progressive rock band from France; a Norwegian 80s pop band; a project by the Lithuanian McKaras; DJ Drama. 1) Drama, a Russian Black Metal band formed in 2001
The band was formed in June, 2001 when Vindsarg and Dym
left their previous project Blackart (melodic black/death metal)
and decided to create something more serious.
Then Zah (Ninzah, ex-Dethroner) joined the band and all
together they started playing heartily. Having looked through

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1) Oceania is a New Zealand band which combines Maori music and modern music. The band's lead singer is Hinewehi Mohi. Music is written and performed by Mohi and Jaz Coleman of Killing Joke fame.
Visit Hinewehi Mohi's website for more information. 2) Oceania is also an alias of UK Trance producer Jeremy Cordonnier, who has released five singles from different record companies, including Vandit.
Visit his myspace page for more info 3) Oceania is Russian dubstep Dj and producer

Read more about Oceania on

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One More Victim

One More Victim is a five-piece deathcore band from Russia. Their debut EP "Waiting To Exhale" is free to download from their myspace or other sources. Attention, please! A little contest from One More Victim! A guy or a girl who will scrobble as many of our tracks as possible at will get a great opportunity to be exclusively thanked in our new album booklet! Just for fun of it and a little publicity, nothing more!;) Thank you for your attention! COMING OUT IN 2011

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Alexander Knaifel

The composer Alexander Knaifel was originally a cellist but had to give up the instrument due to a nerve inflammation. Thus Knaifel, born in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) in 1943, turned to composition. His teacher was Boris Arapov, with whom he studied in Leningrad from 1964 until 1967. Since then Knaifel has been living in St. Petersburg as a freelance composer and music editor. Knaifel evades "valid" rules of the official musical aesthetic already in his first works.

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