Psychedelic Rock | Musicosity

Psychedelic Rock

The Search Party

A rare religious rock album by a from Wisconsin band who relocated to Sacramento, California. Many of the tracks feature lovely female vocals, although part of Side Two is more acoustic and folky with male vocals.
At its best the album is superb. A mystical atmosphere is created by the floating, melodic psychedelia of songs like When He Calls, So Many Things Have Got Me Down and The News Is You. Just listen and drift away.
("Fuzz, Acid & Flowers" by Vernon Joynson)

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The Fugs

The Fugs were a band formed in New York City in 1965 by Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg, with Ken Weaver on drums. Later that year they were joined by Peter Stampfel and Steve Weber of the Holy Modal Rounders. The band was named by Kupferberg who borrowed it from the euphemistic substitute for the word "fuck" famously used in Norman Mailer's novel, The Naked and the Dead. Incidentally, the band is featured in a chapter of Mailer's book, Armies of the Night as they play at the 1967 march on the Pentagon in protest of the Vietnam War (with Scott Rashap on upright bass).

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The Heads

There are three bands named "The Heads": 1) The Heads (1968) released Heads Up in 1968 on the Liberty Label (LST-7581). Members included Thomas Fraterrigo, Louis Buonome, Robert Fricalli, and Angelo Buonome. The Heads were produced by former Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers's Joe Negroni. Heads Up! is a forgotten classic of late sixties "head" music. 2) The Heads (1993), based in Bristol, belong to the space-rock school of extreme psychedelic rock founded by Hawkwind, but they also absorb the dadaistic elements of the Flaming Lips.

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Bigelf is a psychedelic/progressive rock band from Los Angeles, CA, United States who released their debut album in 1996. Their sound is a combination of Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd and The Beatles. The band consists of Damon Fox on lead vocals, keyboards, Ace Mark on guitars, Duffy Snowhill on bass and Froth on drums. -BIO-
There’s nothing ordinary about the fabled Los Angeles quartet Bigelf. In fact, even the extraordinary are crushed in the wake of a heroic bombast so brilliant...

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Moon Duo

San Francisco’s Moon Duo was formed in 2009 by Sanae Yamada and Erik Johnson (Wooden Shjips). Inspired initially by the legendary duo of John Coltrane and Rashied Ali, Moon Duo counts such variant groups as Silver Apples, Royal Trux, Moolah, Suicide, and Cluster as touchstones. Utilizing primarily guitar, keyboards, percussion and vocals, the duo plays space against form to create a primordial and disorienting sonic stew.

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