MANIKIN TIME SHARK - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

MANIKIN TIME SHARK - Audience Home Page

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Space – Drums/Sequences
Joe Thomas – Bass/Synth
Saxy Ellie – Sax/Vocals
John Mcgowan – Flute
Jimbo – Keyboard/Guitar
Ponytron – Synth/Samples

‘Manikin Time Shark,’ started as a live PA in 2004, with Jazz drummer/composer, ‘Damian Maguire’ (Space) Originally called ‘Blacksnow,’ and signed to, ‘Magic Cloud’ (Record label/Productions).The previous releases were the ‘Blacksnow 1,2,3&4’ (EP’s) (2006-2007).

It was at first, an interesting form of ‘Up-Beat Dance’ music, performed with instruments (Such as ‘Violin’ and ‘Drums’), and composed with ‘Modal’ harmonies. The sequences (Composed by ‘Space’), were highly influenced by electronic bands such as ‘Ozric Tentacles’ and 90’s decade, ‘Old School’ Rave.

The band then developed, with other new musicians such as ‘John Mcgowan’ (Flute), who joined in 2008. Since then they have been jamming at parties and performing at venues/events such as ‘Chaplins,’ and the ‘Black History Exhibition’ at the ‘Bourne spring centre,’ The band also performed a few times in ‘Space Ace Robot’ (Space’s – Solo act), and sometimes with projections (By Dave Meyers) / 3D merchandise on stage. Their music was also featured on a few animation/multi-media videos (2008-2010), including ‘Kick Ass,’ and ‘Vortex 2 (Intro).’

The band then adopted some more new members such as ‘Crazy space synth master - ‘Ponytron’ (From - ‘Mothership Oracle’), and ‘Joe Thomas’ (Bass). Still with the traditional ‘Ozric’s style ‘Funk/Drum&Bass,’ but with new material featured on their latest album (such as the tracks ‘In-dimentional Time’ and ‘Funny’) There are several live videos featuring these new tracks, and some of the members also acted in the ‘Vortex’ (‘Sci-Fi Film Project – Featuring ‘Blacksnow’s’ latest music)

In 2010, the band renamed themselves as ‘Manikin Time Shark,’ after the ‘Theatre/Music’ company (Founded by ‘Damian Maguire’ in 2003), and continued in the studio working on their latest releases, including live studio versions (Radio Play in ‘America’- Aural Innovations – Space Rock Radio Show). They now continue to perform live at events, such as ‘Forbidden Planet’ (Solid Air), at the ‘Winchester’ with ‘ZTi’ (Film Visuals), and as part of their New Years Revolution, hope to perform at as many festivals as possible in 2011.

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