secret wars | Musicosity

secret wars

The Automaton

glitching robot hip hop beatbox sex music from birmingham UK biog: Automaton is the prodigal love child of 2 major UK soundsystems: The infamous hip hop event 'Scratch Club', and the fabled electronic music event 'Earko' He is the promoter and resident DJ at both of these legendary events which have seen him perform alongside such diverse acts as public enemy, aphex twin, qbert, john peel, plaid, scratch perverts and many other top acts from the hip hop and electronica genres. His music is a mix of both styles.... with a bit of dub mixed in

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1. Bill Laswell in slow meditative ambient Dub mode. Personnel include Gabe Gatz from Blind Idiot God and DJ Spooky, as well as Bill Laswell alumni Nicky Skopelites, Lilli Haydn, Tetsu Inoue and Robert Musso. 2. Electro-punk outfit from the Pacific Northwest comprised of Okibi and Steeve B. They combine a number of industrial, noise, pop, and post-punk elements into a danceable and eclectic mix of politics, story-telling, and the occult.

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