atmospheric black | Musicosity

atmospheric black

Terzij de Horde

TERZIJ DE HORDE combine an amalgam of progressive black and doom metal with a rawness and live presence reminiscent of extreme hardcore or chaotic screamo.

Terzij de Horde is old Dutch for “set apart from the horde”. It is a line from the poem “Einde” (ending) by legendary Dutch poet Hendrik Marsman. Marsman is an inspiration to the band, as are many other authors and philosophers in the same dark, vitalistic vein.

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About Dordeduh To start understanding the essence of the band is to first delineate the two Romanian words that its name is composed of: “dor” and “duh”. Having a deep, unique meaning in Romanian, “dor” is thought to be untranslatable in any other language using only one word, its sense being of “longing/yearning for something”, “missing something”. It can be something palpable, well-known and familiar (a place, a person, a taste) but it can also be a nostalgic feeling brought up by something vaguely known, dwelling in an old chamber of one’s soul.

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