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Harry EM

Harry James Robert Matthews (born April 09, 1999), born in the United Kingdom. Also know as Harry EM is an English singer. Harry, is releasing his first single 'Make A Move' in 2013 which has been very influenced by artists such as Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. Harry was born in a small British town called Warwick. His mother Tammy Matthews, who owns a cleaning business, gave birth to Harry in Warwick Hospital.

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Screaming Martini

The name Screaming Martini makes a lot of people think of some sort of cocktail. Although this wasn't why the name was chosen, In many ways the band's a cocktail of many music genres. As with all cocktails there's a main ingredient and in this case thats pure rock music. Add in some punk rock, a sprinkle of funk and even some metal and serve with a side of catchy hooks and melodies that will get stuck in your head all day.

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