black metal | Musicosity

black metal


Magpyes started out as a 3-piece drum machine grind band (then called The Magpyes), in which time they self released a demo, a split cd, an EP and “The True Magpyes”, a black metal covers cd. With the addition of a drummer in 2008, they slowly began to incorporate more black metal into their sound. In January 2009, the band became known as “Magpyes”, also recruiting a new drummer. They have a 4 way split with The Atrocity Exhibit/Jesus Of Spazzareth/Reltih out this spring and their first full-length “The Laughing Medusa” is due to be recorded around summertime.

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There are at least five artists under this name. Two black metal Bands, a thrash metal band, a hardcore punk Band and an electronica musician with this Nickname: #1) Mayhem is a black metal band from Oslo, Norway which was originally formed in 1983, taking strong influence especially from Hellhammer/Celtic Frost, Venom and from earlier Bathory. The name "Mayhem" was taken from the title of the Venom song "Mayhem with Mercy".

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Crom Dubh

Crom Dubh are a black metal band based in London, lyrically and thematically focused upon the mythology and heritage of the British Isles. Crom Dubh was formed in the winter of 2003 by Mike, Simon and Xavi. A four track demo was recorded within months of this, but was of low quality and therefore not released. Subsequently, Crom Dubh recorded six tracks for the ‘Damnation Upon Us’ demo, which was released in a 3 track format. In the winter of 2004, Roland joined Crom Dubh as second guitarist, and in the summer of 2005 the ‘Fallen Sons’ demo was recorded and released.

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There are at least 6 bands of this name: 1) Avenger is a Czech black/death band from Volyně (Czech Republic) formed in 1992 by Petr Rámus Mecák. They were formerly known as Astaroth and currently have a side-project called Black Rain. They released 2 demos (Minster Of Madness; The Black Zone), 4 full length albums (Shadows Of The Damned (1998); Fall Of Devotion, Wrath and Blasphemy(1999); Godless(2003);Feast of Anger - Joy of Despair(2009)), one compilation (Minster Of Madness/The Black Zone(2009), and one live album (Live at Open Hell Fest 2003).

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PROCLAMATION "Desecrating Black Goatcore Apostasy" Formed in 2003, the hellish line-up from Spanish soil, now consists of Usurper of Eternal Condemnation and Inverted Crucifixion - War Commands/guitars/effects, Abomination of Four Mayhemic Winds and Bestial Offensor - drums, Irreverent Captor of Abysmal Flames and Ultimate Desolation - bass and Reverend of Goetic Rituals, Commander Of 72 Evil Spirits - Reinforcement Vomits.

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Evil Twin

There are 3 bands and one Game with the name Evil Twin. 1) Evil Twin (Seattle, USA) Hard Rock / Punk influenced band from Seattle. Signed to Flotation Records in 2006. Main release: Radio Salvation (2007). ( 2) Evil Twin (Poland) Death Metal. Releases include To Your God (1999), An Erotic (2002), Villian (2003), and Dying Art of the Human (2004). ( 3) Evil Twin (UK)

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Repentance is more than just a fine word. It has a deeper meaning than just a feeling of regret it also means a different way, the way chosen by a few. Quality in everything is one of the band's main basis and a part of creative concept. Music style is determined to be a dark-rock. Rock as a musical side of concept. Dark - as a reflection of reality.

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