Eccentric | Musicosity


Katie Costello

Oh hey there. Welcome to Katie Costello's abridged biography. Katie Costello is physiologically young, mentally ancient, and prides herself in having a keen eye for kitsch. When not "song-doodling," as she has been known to call it, Katie can be found sulking in public libraries, skimming through critically acclaimed tween drama-comedy novels, and/or collecting cute rocks with fun personalities from her hometown Hermosa Beach, or some other rock-abundant natural setting. Katie is recognized by a unique lyrical approach to her vintage-esque original tunes.

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Derek Meins

Derek Meins is a Scottish singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist (predominantly guitar and piano) and poet. He first earnt recognition as lead vocalist and guitarist with Berwick-upon-Tweed based indie band Eastern Lane, who released two albums before disbanding in 2006. Meins' studio recordings and live performances comprise of both light-hearted ramshackle folk pop and poetic monologues, both characterised by his distinctive, often over-the-top and theatrical delivery.

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